Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Word of the Day: Discipline


It's like everywhere I turn today I keep running into the word or idea of "discipline". Reading a book for the next year called "One Year to An Organized Life" yup you heard it 1 Year lol. For Week 2 it asks you to write a schedule, create a routine- so I did it and I must say it was pretty cool: wake up early work-out, eat breakfast, get dress, work work work work, come home, cook dinner, eat, read, and prepare for the next day---Yup I said it prepare for the next day, outfit and all; I must say it was an awesome schedule. The problem was not my ability to make the schedule the problem is my execution of the schedule lol which made me realize the lack of discipline I have and it's across the board including the excel spreadsheet that stalks me each pay period (my budget, #deepsigh). So my question is how is it I can be disciplined enough to work my tail off at work to get things done for other people but lack it for my self, and honestly my financial future? Which brings me to my next occurrence with discipline-------

 I read an article in Wash Biz Journal that says: saving $100 per month at 25 you can accumulate $351,00 by the time you're 65. It went on to say to be able to do this you have to have ????? you guessed it DISCIPLINE- "Discipline means you are capable of making the sacrifice" " you must be committed to making small incremental behavioral changes". So does the lack of discipline mean I'm not committed? Because each time I decide I'm going to do this I feel committed but obviously I'm not so is it laziness? lack of motivation?

It just seems crazy that I can't get on the ball - soooo I am putting myself to the challenge, research shows that to make something a habit you must do it for 21 days or more, so today I pledge that for the next 21days I will submit , yes I said submit to the idea of abiding by my schedule.

Make a schedule and try it! Trust me it's easier than it sounds - let me know how it works out!!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thought of the DAY!


Sooo I have learned that you learn something new everyday lol (pretty funny right?) Whether it's professionally, academically or personally something new enters our brain each day. To be exact the average human has approximately 55-60k thoughts a day, so something new and or investigative has to come out of that..... For instance a few weeks back a client told me : "It's amazing that lightning bugs light up to signal other lightning bugs that they would like to mate" Who would've thunk it? And you can say I'm slow but I had NO idea...which made me think what if people lit up or had some type of signal that tells the world "come on and screw me" LOL...But I guess we do and it's called Patron and or Vodka lol....

Moving on....The interesting thing is although this was said to me weeks ago it came back to me today as I realized although we don't have some green lantern light effect that signifies to the world what we want, we do carry an individual light that shows how we're feeling -- called our body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. It made me start realizing how I carry a light with me each day that shows how I'm feeling for the entire world to see, which then made me ask WHY? I mean if all 307 Million people in the US can see how I'm feeling and know what's actually bothering me will they care? Probably not, lol...Even more so why should they? in addition to just because I feel a certain way doesn't make it right for me to make others feel that same way and or turn them off from me completely.

Sometimes I think we let people and things dictate us, control who are whether it's for a moment, an hour, a day, a week, even worse a lifetime. Am I saying you can't be pissed off or shouldn't? No not at all but what I am saying is life is to short and whatever is bothering you scream about it, pray about it, laugh about it, do what ever you have to do but don't let it become you because then you lose you and possibly those around you. And yes I know it's easier said than done and this may be the advice I give and don't take but the thing is if you don't control you and your life why should anyone else deserve to?

Soooo today I pledge that even when things aren't going my way and want to be pissy and or pissed off..I'll scream KICK ROCKS!! and then I'll build a bridge and get the HELL over it because If I give them that much power or control then I'm the damn fool lol

Smile.....This to shall pass :-)

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