Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Dreams Are Not For Purchase!


At first my mind was completely consumed with several topics to address this week: Faith, Motivation, Finances, Facebook, Discipline.

BUT!! After the day I had yesterday and the conversation I just had with a friend I have it now!! The question for myself and other QuarterLife phenoms is: Are we sold dreams because of our age and the idea of being naive? And when I say sold a dream I don't just mean in the workplace...I mean EVERYWHERE. Sold a dream in our relationships, family matters, education, etc. Think about it you have an idea of a "happy ending" whether it be based on being wealthy, having a spouse or being overly educated. This dream was developed during childhood as you watched the people around you or people on TV or from reading. No one ever explained how much reality dictates this dream and how much work is required in addition to the fact that it's not an easy road and there are a ton of things to watch for and be prepared for like "being sold". We're sold a dream with companionship with the idea that a guy has to have things on this, house, money, love God, loves his momma....etc  and a girl should look like Beyonce, cook like Patti, and be a freak like Jenna Jameson...etc but the thing is it's not real!! Each dream has to be customized and when I say customized I mean to reality! Even with your job, employers must hire people or the work will never get done so they sell us a dream! More so to us QuarterLife phenoms because they know we're hungry they know that we have yet to realize that the things they are promising and visioning for us is just that a "dream" not reality- UNLESS we make it reality ourselves.

Now this post is not to shit on anyone's dreams, this post is to motivate you to look beyond your dreams and find the truth =the real reality. The real reality is what you want, what you can create and the knowledge to dictate your dream and lead it. The problem I think we have is we make our dream and let other people dictate it. If you're dream is career-oriented make sure you're doing the right things to get there and if the job you have now sold you a dream that's not coming to terms or looks like it's going to have you left field step out on faith and get the job that will but take more time to find the right fit not just a fit. If you weren't performing to your employer's standards they would get rid of you so why not do vice versa for yourself and the sake of your career. If your relationship started off as a dream and he/she were saying all the right things and you weren't paying attention to their actual actions and subliminal messages but are now if it's not what you want for your life move on- with all the people in the world your bound to find one! Finances- you want wealth but your income won't suffice you to get there re-evaluate what you're doing and how you're doing it I'm sure there's some room for saving and there are plenty of places looking for part-time work. The point is it's your dream and you're the only one who can make it with with the grace of God.

The thing is I think because we are young and somewhat naive we are sometimes scared to do any of the things listed above because of the fear of starting over and the thought that everyone we meet has our best interest at heart and will guide us, know this is NOT true! There are definitely some great mentors in the world don't get me wrong but they are far and few in between, so you,we have to grab the horns and make sure we're doing our research and we're asking the right questions before we take leaps, we must be prepared.  

With the whole fear thing i get it it's like: OMG  I have to find a new job and hope the people like me, the money is good, I have to prove myself all over again, I have to go on dates, meet someone new! Get over it....You start over everyday of your life that you wake up, great things come from starting over you just have to be willing to go for the ride OR you keep doing the same thing you're doing now and getting the same thing you have before. There is a lesson in every trial and tribulation we go through in life the key is to make note of that lesson carry with you to ensure you're equipped for what's next but you'll never find out if you don't dictate you're dreams into real reality. OK- I'm off the soap box! (Sorry it's a long one)

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