Friday, June 24, 2011

Work Hard...... Play Harder


This has been a rough week- VERY VERY Tiring so I say to you my QtrLife Phenoms if you worked your a** off this week and you wanted to tell people to "kick rocks!" Then play hard this weekend because I plan to paly as hard as I can while in Miami!! Use the weekend to shake it off and re-energize yourself to kill the game next week. It'll strengthen you to make it through. 

 Tell someone you love them this weekend, it'll make you feel good and it'll make them smile!


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Uphill Journey....Or like Ice Cube Today is a Good Day lol


Yes I meant to give you two exclamation points, If you can't tell today is a good day... I am back in control of my QuarterLife Crisis that was happening Sunday...o yea get that sh*t I have decided to dedicate this post to my QuaterLife Circle.....See here's the thing I have been blessed to be surrounded by some of the most motivating individuals ever ! who at times go through their own QL Crisis but I realize we all motivate each other and their accomplishments not only strengthen them it strengthens all of us and aids us as we push forward to greatness.

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in what's not right or not knowing that we lose all the things we've accomplished thus far and just how far we've come...SO!!!! Today I commend some pretty spectacular people to let them know how great they are and how they have motivated me continuously!! I got racks on racks and racks lol (sorry/complete sidebar lol)

To the one who when thinking about this yesterday brought tears to my eyes..her strength to handle pregnancy alone even the nights when her feet were swollen, you accomplished your dreams with purchasing your home, staying on track in your career (you are board certified boo o yea o yea) on your own and raising your child to be the best she can be while providing the top education and instruction possible to the children of the County. You continue to lend yourself to the children of our future with your non-profit (wink wink) and without a single doubt it will happen.The school system is lucky to have you, sunshine is blessed to have you and I am honored to call you my friend. You are WOMAN!

To the one who couldn't hang a picture in college and thought she needed a man to complete her fairy tale life. She has resurfaced from heart break and tragedy by fulfilling her ultimate career goal all while under 30, in a position that is usually filled by men in their 40's. You worked your ass off for the last 9 years I've known you and it paid off. Take your bow!

To the one who was told in HS that the college of their choice was out of reach, you proved that heffa wrong and now your Masters from one of the most prestigious schools in the DC area. You continue to follow your dreams while ensuring they are limitless, your beauty not only lies outside but your heart is golden and your mind is a BEAST lol! Ask for everything you want mama because it's coming!

To you, my main homeboy who as a black male from the inner city had everything against him, you defeated the odds by completing your Undergrad but shocked the world with your Masters. The love you have for your moms is impeccable and any chick would be crazy not to see the jewel in you (I know that may sound a lil gay ; but love ya) You have followed your dreams all the way to the West Coast and you refuse to turn back you have a pure heart and your drive is the eye of a Tiger. Get it done, the best is yet to come!

To the love of my life, you have broken all stereotypes and said F*ck you to the ideology of the world and YOU are taking it over. Your drive to continue to learn and be the best for everyone, be there for everyone not just as a provider but as a teacher, motivator and confidant has made you my Best Friend. You are a true example of what hard work and hustling stuck with it and it's paying off. You are a STAR and VP will be soon to come!  

Last but not you my lifelong, my have accomplished soo much I don't know where to start. I've watched you love and love and love and love...putting others before yourself endlessly. You juggle mom, wife, caretaker, student, professional all in one day. You have to be proud of yourself I will not allow you not to be. Things will come in due time on the career side because the blessing you've been to the little one and your mom, your breakthrough is on the way. I commend you because it takes a special person a STRONG person to travel the roads you have and still come out looking towards the sun. FYI Babes you are the SUN and your rays are definitely ready to shine beyond measure.

I love you all and I thank you in advance for all your motivation as WE travel this uphill journey to Joy. And to those who are reading this I hope this allows you to reflect on your uphill journey and continue to "just keep swimming just keep swimming "(Finding Nemo, Dora voice lol) I told you today was  a good day!!

I don't know what tomorrow will be, it could be another QLC day but I am definitely going to enjoy this feeling...wouldn't you?!! I proclaim today a GREAT day for all my QuarterLife Phenoms...even if there's only like 2 or 3 -whatever. Today is a good day!


Sunday, June 19, 2011

I Just Wish......


I didn't realize I had that look this morning but I guess I did... The "I just wish" look is the statement my BF says I use when I'm letting my mind consume me and he could tell it was happening today. Which sucks because I really was trying not to let it show and even though he gets how i feel and pushes and motivates me but he doesn't understand completely because his career is booming and trust me he works hard for it and completely desreves it but that's just it he knows what he want so he was able to go after it! The truth is I do wish ....I just wish I would know what to do in my career already?! Like it's not even wanting a new job because at the end of the day I've confused myself completely on what it is I even want to do or what I'm even good at! Today Joel Osten said something big is coming and not that I doubt him but I'm not even sure what my dreams are lol isn't tht crazy? I mean am I the only one who feels this way? At least if I had them I would have sufficient goals, benchmarks and things to look forward to- dont get me wrong I'm completely grateful to have a job making a decent living but going back to the post the other day is it the job that has me on the path to my real reality? I believe everything happens for a reason and I know one day I will understand this journey but right now I'm soooooo confused; so I guess this is when I must step out on faith and the rest will be history. Am I alone on the way I feel? Or am I the only one willing to admit it? I just needed to get this off my chest- tomorrow will be a better day I promise that to you and myself.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Dreams Are Not For Purchase!


At first my mind was completely consumed with several topics to address this week: Faith, Motivation, Finances, Facebook, Discipline.

BUT!! After the day I had yesterday and the conversation I just had with a friend I have it now!! The question for myself and other QuarterLife phenoms is: Are we sold dreams because of our age and the idea of being naive? And when I say sold a dream I don't just mean in the workplace...I mean EVERYWHERE. Sold a dream in our relationships, family matters, education, etc. Think about it you have an idea of a "happy ending" whether it be based on being wealthy, having a spouse or being overly educated. This dream was developed during childhood as you watched the people around you or people on TV or from reading. No one ever explained how much reality dictates this dream and how much work is required in addition to the fact that it's not an easy road and there are a ton of things to watch for and be prepared for like "being sold". We're sold a dream with companionship with the idea that a guy has to have things on this, house, money, love God, loves his momma....etc  and a girl should look like Beyonce, cook like Patti, and be a freak like Jenna Jameson...etc but the thing is it's not real!! Each dream has to be customized and when I say customized I mean to reality! Even with your job, employers must hire people or the work will never get done so they sell us a dream! More so to us QuarterLife phenoms because they know we're hungry they know that we have yet to realize that the things they are promising and visioning for us is just that a "dream" not reality- UNLESS we make it reality ourselves.

Now this post is not to shit on anyone's dreams, this post is to motivate you to look beyond your dreams and find the truth =the real reality. The real reality is what you want, what you can create and the knowledge to dictate your dream and lead it. The problem I think we have is we make our dream and let other people dictate it. If you're dream is career-oriented make sure you're doing the right things to get there and if the job you have now sold you a dream that's not coming to terms or looks like it's going to have you left field step out on faith and get the job that will but take more time to find the right fit not just a fit. If you weren't performing to your employer's standards they would get rid of you so why not do vice versa for yourself and the sake of your career. If your relationship started off as a dream and he/she were saying all the right things and you weren't paying attention to their actual actions and subliminal messages but are now if it's not what you want for your life move on- with all the people in the world your bound to find one! Finances- you want wealth but your income won't suffice you to get there re-evaluate what you're doing and how you're doing it I'm sure there's some room for saving and there are plenty of places looking for part-time work. The point is it's your dream and you're the only one who can make it with with the grace of God.

The thing is I think because we are young and somewhat naive we are sometimes scared to do any of the things listed above because of the fear of starting over and the thought that everyone we meet has our best interest at heart and will guide us, know this is NOT true! There are definitely some great mentors in the world don't get me wrong but they are far and few in between, so you,we have to grab the horns and make sure we're doing our research and we're asking the right questions before we take leaps, we must be prepared.  

With the whole fear thing i get it it's like: OMG  I have to find a new job and hope the people like me, the money is good, I have to prove myself all over again, I have to go on dates, meet someone new! Get over it....You start over everyday of your life that you wake up, great things come from starting over you just have to be willing to go for the ride OR you keep doing the same thing you're doing now and getting the same thing you have before. There is a lesson in every trial and tribulation we go through in life the key is to make note of that lesson carry with you to ensure you're equipped for what's next but you'll never find out if you don't dictate you're dreams into real reality. OK- I'm off the soap box! (Sorry it's a long one)


Friday, June 10, 2011

"Do you actually hate your job? " Seriously?


A friend said yesterday she wanted to do a study on "why people stay in jobs they hate?". Which at the time I didn't think about too much but she's always coming up with crafty ideas so I said "go for it". It wasn't until last night while sipping on my Australian Chardonnay my mind starting wondering the same. It could've been the wine but anywho it made me think do people really hate their jobs or do they just need something to complain about? It could be fear or the idea that quitting would be irresponsible? Which would be the logical explanations but the thing is people who are afraid of flying often times make it a priority to face their fear and the idea of being irresponsible is a BS answer -every Friday night tons of people go to happy hour have 2/3 drinks and then drive home isn't that irresponsible? Isn't putting your car note off until next month to have $$ for vacay irresponsible? So why is staying somewhere being unhappy and possibly making other people lives miserable (because misery loves company) by being pissy at work. You have a choice everyday of your life so "why do people stay in jobs they hate" it's not because of fear itself it's because of doubt (not knowing what the hell you want to do), laziness (it's easier to come in and bitch and moan), and the lack of self confidence (because what would I do) and faith ( you don't realize how small a mustard seed really is). I'm not saying when you have a bad day quit but what I am saying is, if you go into work for 8 hours each day, day in day out waiting for 5p then there's a problem- we spend more time at work then we do with our families so why shouldn't it be somewhere you want to be. Or maybe the job isn't that bad but it's your attitude because you're not taking advantage of the opportunity to make it better.

In the world we live in today there is an opportunity for you to create and manifest any opportunity you want you just have to have the balls to do it and if you're not then shut up! This all comes with self evaluation: what do you want for yourself? how will get it?

I also think we stay because of people and relationships- but here's the thing if the people you work with are so great and your "job" isn't in the world of facebook, twitter, skype, bbm and everything else there's no reason they still can't be great after you leave. You must live for ( insert your name here ) Inc. And yes I know it's easier said than done but if you don't who will. I always tell people this is the advice I give but don't take but this time I think I may do a self-evaluation and ask myself "why do I stay" maybe if you're feeling the same way you should do the same.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 1: Opening Day!

Welcome to "My QuarterLife Mind" where I a twenty-something chick in a large metropolitan city help - I don't really know if "help" is the right word- let's try this again where I speak/type and express the thoughts of a twenty-something chick trying to make it in this world. I like to believe this blog will probably  only be read by few but for me it will be my safe haven of all the things you or I think but we have been trained to find it subconsciously inappropriate to voice even to our closest friends or family members. It was also be an opportunity for me to recap the things I'm learning each day as I go through this phase of my life trying to figure out in blatant terms What the HELL am I'm doing with my life?!

The idea of this blog came from the conversations I had with fellow friends, co-workers, and random strangers who helped me realize we were all in the same place in our life which I have now labeled as the "QuarterLife Crisis". The idea of  being between fake adulthood and true adulthood while trying to figure out what's next, how do we get there, and how do we handle all the BS that comes along the way. SO....sit back and enjoy the ride and if you feel compelled to join come along trust me there's enough room because once again I have NO IDEA what the heck I'm doing. 

Follow @QuarterLifeChic