Friday, June 10, 2011

"Do you actually hate your job? " Seriously?


A friend said yesterday she wanted to do a study on "why people stay in jobs they hate?". Which at the time I didn't think about too much but she's always coming up with crafty ideas so I said "go for it". It wasn't until last night while sipping on my Australian Chardonnay my mind starting wondering the same. It could've been the wine but anywho it made me think do people really hate their jobs or do they just need something to complain about? It could be fear or the idea that quitting would be irresponsible? Which would be the logical explanations but the thing is people who are afraid of flying often times make it a priority to face their fear and the idea of being irresponsible is a BS answer -every Friday night tons of people go to happy hour have 2/3 drinks and then drive home isn't that irresponsible? Isn't putting your car note off until next month to have $$ for vacay irresponsible? So why is staying somewhere being unhappy and possibly making other people lives miserable (because misery loves company) by being pissy at work. You have a choice everyday of your life so "why do people stay in jobs they hate" it's not because of fear itself it's because of doubt (not knowing what the hell you want to do), laziness (it's easier to come in and bitch and moan), and the lack of self confidence (because what would I do) and faith ( you don't realize how small a mustard seed really is). I'm not saying when you have a bad day quit but what I am saying is, if you go into work for 8 hours each day, day in day out waiting for 5p then there's a problem- we spend more time at work then we do with our families so why shouldn't it be somewhere you want to be. Or maybe the job isn't that bad but it's your attitude because you're not taking advantage of the opportunity to make it better.

In the world we live in today there is an opportunity for you to create and manifest any opportunity you want you just have to have the balls to do it and if you're not then shut up! This all comes with self evaluation: what do you want for yourself? how will get it?

I also think we stay because of people and relationships- but here's the thing if the people you work with are so great and your "job" isn't in the world of facebook, twitter, skype, bbm and everything else there's no reason they still can't be great after you leave. You must live for ( insert your name here ) Inc. And yes I know it's easier said than done but if you don't who will. I always tell people this is the advice I give but don't take but this time I think I may do a self-evaluation and ask myself "why do I stay" maybe if you're feeling the same way you should do the same.

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