Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Don't Break My Sh*t or Kill My Dream

Clearly it's after 6p so it should be Bonsoir!

I've always heard that nobody will treat your stuff with the same respect as you would and trust me I learned that tonight. Which made me start wondering why is that? I mean if I had something in my possession that didn't belong to me wouldn't I treat it with more care to make sure I returned it in the same condition it was given to me.... right? I mean especially in the idea that I wouldn't want to ruin a friendship, relationship or even lose someone's respect.... which in turn made me think about how we value feelings and dreams on a regular basis. People share emotions, thoughts and dreams with random people all the time but sometime I don't think we value what we hear or how they truly feel before we respond or act. We should stop and process whether the advice or reaction we give off when listening to a friend or family member is of true value, and i mean true value to them asking ourselves is the advice we're giving honest? Is it encouraging? Motivating? Have you taken great care of the information by thinking of ways you can help? Some times I think we get sooo wrapped up in ourselves that we lose the idea of sharing positive energy and creating value within our relationships and friendships, every now and then a lil push behind somebody else's dream could be a step in the right direction and even moreso it could truly make you feel good. Just because it's not your dream doesn't make it a subpar dream it just means you know great people! So the next time someone comes to you to share their possession/dream stop and think about how much care you will give them because believe it or not how you return your thoughts definitely matters!

Good Night to all - sleep tight.


O yea guess what- I did this entire post on the iPad........
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