Thursday, January 19, 2012

Happy New Year!


Hello my quarterlife Phenoms, trust me I know your girl has been slacking-lol. But with only 2 followers you can kinda get away with it lol there's no sudden drop or revolt of people lol. Anywho  lets get to it and btw I LOVE my 2 followers especially bc this idea came as a way to help me navigate through the world in addition to making sure others didn't feel alone so if I have helped 1 person in my mind I'm on the right track! So now let's get to it!

I absolutely hate new year resolutions they seem like such excuses for people to continue to do what they're doing with the option to wait a month or 2 for the new year! So today I decided I will make life resolutions any day, any hour, pretty much whenever I like, and they can be whatever I like. My resolution in the next hour will be to complete this post, my resolution for this week will be to do some form of exercise, my resolution for the month is to idk not to buy any new clothing. A new year resolution just seems so demanding and restrictive because it's almost like if you don't start on Jan.1 it's over and if by Dec. 31 you didn't accomplish it you failed. It seems if we made life resolutions we would accomplish more in addition to things becoming a habit and we start to see a change in our overall life not just this one year. Yes it would be great to lose about 20lbs hell I'm all about that but it
would be awesome to lose 20lbs keep it off and have a healthier lifestyle so you're not just celebrating the moment you're celebrating a real accomplishment. Just like my issue with budgeting yes I can decide not to buy anything for a month but after that month there's a strong possibility I'll just do double shopping the following month. So with my life resolution being better budgeting I may have to make a resolution every week or every month just to get it right who knows?! The idea is to make changes that will ultimately help improve my overall life not just my cliche year! And this just in why not make a life goal? My life goal is to fall in love with my life so that way when things aren't going my way the world is still balanced because I'm so in love with it I'm striving to either make it right or do what's best! We fall in love with other people life for instance look at the insanity over Jay and Bey- which makes it only right we do the same with our own life.

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